After months, maybe years of contemplating the direction that would be best for me in the photography world, I finally settled on what feels right and best for ME. I have struggled because I truly hold dear the art of Photography, but the business side has never felt good, I just figured it came with the territory. And then......
Combining my dreamsI have always had the thought that all families deserve to have a nice family portrait, I just believe that. When I first started out I lived in an area where there were many low income households and one of the best feelings was taking their pictures at no cost and seeing how truly grateful they were for them. In fact some of those sessions are to this day some of my favorites! I love knowing that we will always be connected because I was privileged to take their pictures. So here it goes, my idea of bring all the good parts together; I will now be running my photography business in this way (I don't have all the bugs figured out):
I will begin taking submissions for families who can not afford to have their pictures done. Family, friends, neighbors, whomever, can submit the names and stories of those that are deserving and I will select so many per month/season/year who will receive a session at absolutely no cost. How I will manage it at no cost is that for the families that are financially able to pay for a session their monies will go directly towards the "no cost" sessions and my equipment upkeep. SUBMIT ENTRIES to or in a message through my facebook pageI haven't decided on how I will set the fees for paying clients, I have thought of doing a "donation only" route, where they can pay what they wish to donate. The other thought is setting a fixed price with a print package included. (still working on that)
Other changesI will no longer be offering cd's with the digital images (except for low resolution for posting online) with the sessions. Instead I have found a great print company whom I will be ordering prints through after the clients view their images in a web album.
Make note:
My family is preparing for a move to Utah this summer so as I stated previously not all of the bugs are worked out, my plan for now is to accept family submissions from Utah, Nevada, Arizona and perhaps a few other states, we shall see.